I'm so glad you've arrived here! First, a formal introduction. I'm Jamie, founder of Jamie Lee Khan Interiors, an Alberta to Toronto transplant, lover of all things beautiful, wife, and mother to 2 (3+1). I believe in Creative + Realistic. Old + New. Practical + Beautiful.
I have an Honours Degree in Interior Design from Ryerson University, and I have worked on large and small projects, in residential and commercial capacities. Are you still with me?? OK GOOD!
On Monday's you will find me here, starting your week out with some design inspiration curated from personal projects and around the interwebs. If you'd like to suggest a topic, email me here! If you are into a little more interaction, follow along with me on Instagram where I will be regularly posting about projects, inspiration, and whatever my current obsessions are. If you just want to look at the pretty things, check my Pinterest. And if you have a project you are thinking about, contact me. I would love to work with you!